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September 6, 2024

U.S. Surgeon General Warning: 21st Century Parenting Conditions Sparks Public Health Crisis

Post By:
Nicole Gonzalez-Cumberbatch
In-House Contributor
The Motherhood Village
Guest Contributor:

This month, the U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy issued a vital warning naming “increasing stress and declining mental health among parents as the latest critical public health issue facing the American public”.

He highlighted the many things we already know all too well:

  1. Parents have a profound impact on the health and safety of children and in turn, the health and safety of society.
  2. 33% of parents reported higher levels of stress in the past month compared to 20% of other adults.
  3. Parents and caregivers today face tremendous pressures such as balancing work and caregiving, household responsibilities, financial pressure, health and safety, child rearing in the digital era, and children's emotional needs in a world when unprecedented scenarios have become the norm.
  4. Children of parents with mental conditions may face heightened risks for symptoms of depression and anxiety. 

The U.S. Surgeon General’s warning urged the government to provide more support for parents including improving access to mental health services, workplace flexibility, financial assistance, and social support services. This call to action highlights a growing crisis many families face: the undisputed stress, burnout, and overwhelm plaguing parents—especially mothers—across the country. 

For many mothers, the burden of these responsibilities often leads to chronic stress, anxiety, and burnout. The pressure to be the "perfect" parent, coupled with a lack of adequate support systems, can leave mothers feeling isolated, exhausted, and mentally drained. These issues have only been intensified by societal expectations and the ongoing lack of comprehensive resources for parental mental health.

According to the Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance: 

  1. 1 in 5 mothers are impacted by maternal mental health (MMH) conditions; affecting 800,000 families each year in the U.S.
  2. Mental health conditions are the leading cause of maternal deaths - suicide and overdose are the leading cause of death for women in the first year following pregnancy.
  3. 75% of individuals affected by maternal mental health (MMH) conditions remain untreated, increasing the risk of long-term negative impacts on mothers, babies, and families
  4. $14 Billion - the cost of untreated MMH conditions

These are significant figures, and through my organization, The Motherhood Village™ , I aim to do something about this. The Motherhood Village™ offers a wide range of local resources focused on enhancing mothers' mental health and well-being. From expert-led workshops, to a top-rated podcast, to peer support groups and access to mental health professionals, we help modern mothers add resources and strategies to their parenting toolbox for managing the demands of parenting with grit, grace and resilience. 

The Motherhood Village also encourages mothers to pursue their passions, invest in their personal development, and find fulfillment beyond the role of a parent. We offer programs and resources that foster connection, collaboration, and inspiration to support mothers in their journey of self-discovery and growth.

While we continue to push for systemic change, there are practical steps that mothers and families can take to enhance their mental health and well-being right now. Here are some practical and actionable tips to help you get started.

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Prioritize Self-Care - Self-care isn’t selfish—it’s essential. Make time for activities that rejuvenate you, whether it’s reading a book, taking a walk, or practicing mindfulness. Even small moments of self-care can have a significant impact on your mental well-being.

Set Boundaries - Establish clear boundaries between work, family, and personal time. This can help prevent burnout and ensure that you’re not constantly overwhelmed by competing demands. Learn to say no when necessary, and don’t hesitate to delegate tasks (create the village you need) when possible.

Stay Connected - Social connections are vital for mental health. Stay in touch with friends and family, and don’t hesitate to reach out for support when you need it. Joining a community like The Motherhood Village™ can also provide a strong network of support from other mothers who understand what you’re going through.

Focus on Nutrition and Sleep - A healthy diet and adequate sleep are foundational to mental well-being. Prioritize balanced meals (think brain fuel) and aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night to keep your body and mind functioning at their best.

Engage in Physical Activity - Regular physical activity is a powerful way to boost your mood and reduce stress. Whether it’s a daily walk, yoga, or a workout at the gym (or home), find an activity that you enjoy and make it a part of your daily routine.

Get Professional Help When Needed - If you’re feeling overwhelmed or struggling with your mental health, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Therapists, counselors, and support groups can provide valuable guidance and support during difficult times.

The Motherhood Village™ is a safe space where mothers (and their families) can come together, share their experiences, and support one another. Through our informative workshops, top-rated podcast, peer groups, and fun social gatherings, we foster a sense of belonging and connection, helping mothers combat feelings of loneliness before they escalate into more severe perinatal mood disorders. Our mission is to empower mothers to take control of their lives and reduce the stress and overwhelm they face daily because we know that a happy and fulfilled mother leads to a happy family. 

The Surgeon General's warning is a stark reminder that this crisis is not just an individual struggle but a societal one. It's a call to action that we can no longer ignore. While The Motherhood Village™ is making strides in supporting mothers, mothers need more governmental support, better access to mental health services, and societal recognition of the unique challenges that 21st century parents, particularly mothers, face.

Our mission is far from complete, and we are committed to pushing forward until every mother has the support, she needs to lead a balanced, healthy, and fulfilling life. Join us in this mission by referring a mother to our events, collaborating to host an informative workshop or event, or by donating to support our cause and sponsor a mother's membership into The Motherhood Village™ community. The work continues, and together, we can create a world where mothers are valued, supported, and empowered.