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October 14, 2024

Beyond Business: 10 Life Lessons from Entrepreneurship

Post By:
Susan Winograd
In-House Contributor
Founder | Pelvic Health Physical Therapist
Pelvicore Rehab & Wellness
Guest Contributor:

The journey of building your own business is a mixed bag of emotions, woven with exhilarating highs and challenging lows. It’s a path filled with excitement, creativity, and the thrill of overcoming, but it can also lead to moments of frustration, confusion, fear, and self doubt. For me, this journey has taught me invaluable lessons that transcend the specifics of my expertise as a pelvic health physical therapist.

The past three decades as the Founder and Owner of my practice, Pelvicore Rehab and Wellness, have taught me more about myself and challenged me in some of the most profound ways.  I’ve come to realize that these invaluable lessons are life lessons- they are universal, regardless of the path you’re on, the industry you’re in, or the goals you have before you. And I want to share them with you.

Here are the most important lessons I’ve learned that have forever shaped the way I look at both my business and my life:

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1. Be Prepared to Feel Vulnerable, But Stay in Command

Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. Being an entrepreneur means stepping into the unknown and facing uncertainties that can leave you feeling vulnerable. This vulnerability, however, is not a weakness. Embrace it while maintaining command over your business and decisions but most of all your emotions.  Your ability to stay in command emotionally will help you navigate challenges and enable you to  lead with confidence. It will set you apart and drive your success.

2. Feel the Fear and  Do It Anyway 

Being a business owner means getting comfortable feeling uncomfortable!! Feeling fear does not mean you’re weak. On the contrary, acknowledging your fear and having the courage to move forward is a testament to your strength and power. Embrace fear as a natural part of the journey. Each step you take despite your fear will build your resilience and confidence, ultimately propelling you toward achieving your goals.

3. Redefine Failure 

Overcoming my fear of failure has been a tumultuous and challenging ride for me. However, I am continuing to learn that if the outcome I was hoping for does not manifest, it does not mean I’ve failed. Every outcome is a learning opportunity. As one door closes, be sure to keep your eyes open because another door is opening. Analyze what didn’t work, adjust your strategy, find the lesson you needed to learn, and move forward with newfound wisdom. Failure is not a destination but a stepping stone toward success. Redefine it as part of your growth process.

4. Assemble your “A” Team

Success in business is rarely achieved alone. Your team is an extension of your vision and purpose.  Be sure you have the right people in the right positions and that  they not only understand and align with the core values that define your business, but are passionately enrolled in the mission of your business. When everyone is working towards the same goals, magic happens. Remember, “Teamwork makes the dream work!!”

5. Always Have Mentors

When I embarked on this journey of entrepreneurship, I made a commitment to always have mentors and always be a mentor! This has been invaluable to my success and experience.   Seek mentors in several areas of your life. Not only for business guidance but also for personal development, spiritual growth and good old fashioned “been there done that, learn from my mistakes” mentors. Mentors will provide insights, support, and a broader perspective and ultimately help you find clarity which is key for success! In addition, being a mentor is not only fulfilling as you support someone through their journey, but it is a powerful demonstration of just how far you’ve come and just how much progress you’ve made on your own path.

6. Prioritize Mental and Emotional Health

Your mindset is a critical component in everything that you do. As such, your mental and emotional well-being should remain a top priority. When things get tough- and they will- becoming isolated can easily happen but is always detrimental. When the going gets rough, make a concerted effort to surround yourself with supportive friends, family and colleagues. Be sure to engage in activities that expand your spirit and keep you grounded. It is the only way I have been able to turn a breakdown into a breakthrough!!

7. Let Your Gut Guide You: Follow Your Internal GPS

Listen to your intuition and it will always steer you in the right direction! Sometimes we overthink and under feel!! But if a decision doesn't “feel” right, chances are it’s probably not. Giving yourself the space to listen to your intuition will enable you to make the most authentic decisions. Authenticity is your most powerful asset. Stay true to yourself and your values, regardless of others opinions. Remember, “What other people think of you is none of your business”. Ultimately, showing up as your most authentic self in business will build trust with your team, clients, and partners and help you develop a strong and loyal network.

8. Cultivate Resilience

Resilience is a key to success. I have always viewed resilience as a form of exercise- the more you practice it, the better you get at it and the more natural it feels. The ability to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to changes, and keep your head up during challenges will define your journey. I work to cultivate resilience through continuous learning (this is imperative!), flexibility, and an unwavering belief and faith in my vision.

9. Balance Confidence with Humility

I have always found that the most important character traits in successful  business owners that I admire are confidence paired with humility. Be confident in your abilities and decisions, but remain humble and open to learning from others. The opportunity to learn from others is endless, and a humble approach will attract valuable insights, connections and collaborations.

10. Build and Be Part of a Supportive Community

Believe in yourself and surround yourself with others who believe in you. Create and be involved in a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion and drive. A supportive community provides encouragement, resources, and collaboration opportunities that are crucial for sustained success.

At the end of the day, the success of Pelvicore Rehab and Wellness can be defined by so much more than my clinical skill set or technical expertise. It can be defined by my mindset, which has been shaped by these profound lessons.

Entrepreneurship has propelled me out of my comfort zone. It has been a pendulum of vulnerability, courage, resilience, and continuous learning for me. To say there are ups and downs is an understatement. However, It has been an experience that I would not trade for the world. It has shaped my personal and professional growth, enabled my team to transform the lives of our clients and has connected me with incredible people, communities and networks.

These lessons continue to help me navigate the complexities of business ownership with confidence and grace.  And I believe these universal principles will guide you toward a fulfilling and successful journey too!

Above all else, the most important lesson I hope to leave you with: Enjoy the Ride!!!