"Greatness is not a destination; it is a continuous journey that never ends." Brian Tracy
What does it really mean to be great? We live in a world where comparison is inevitable, and the emergence of social media only adds to the complicated nuances of competition in business and accomplishing our goals. But what if we stopped striving to be the greatest in our industries, stopped looking at people as competition, and focused more on being the greatest version of ourselves?
Imagine how far we could go.
Some people may be “further along” than you are in business, or may have accomplished more than you have-- but you don't know what their journey was like. We are uniquely made with gifts to share with the world and our own destinies to fulfill, and we block our greatness and divert attention from our goals when we focus on what other people are doing. When we pay too much attention to others, we start comparing ourselves. We must remember that, as Theodore Roosevelt once said, "comparison is the thief of joy." Comparison also allows self-doubt, fear, and imposter syndrome to creep in.
Your journey is unique to you, and once you start watering your "seeds" and genuinely focusing on becoming the greatest you can be, everything changes for the better. In my own journey, I have made incredible connections, become more precise with my goals, and accomplished much more than I thought I would in the two years since I founded The Motherhood Village.
Ashley Paré, a TEDx speaker and leadership & negotiation expert, told me something that completely transformed my perspective:
Your job is to speak your truth loudly enough and clearly enough to repel those that aren't meant to be on your journey and to attract those that are.
It's not always easy, but when we lean into our abilities and confidently trust in our power, the right people will find us. These are the five things that I do to ensure I am living in my own greatness and thriving in my businesses-- and they can work for you, too!
Life is too short to live in mediocrity and constant comparison. Lean into your purpose, live boldly in your truth, and when you're feeling stuck, ask yourself: are you striving to be the greatest fill–in–the–blank, or are you striving to be the greatest YOU that only you can be?
To further develop your self-esteem skills and lean further into your greatness, check out the powerful conversation I had with Dr. Simone Alicia, known as the Self-Esteem Doctor, on The Motherhood Village podcast. We dive into the strategies to instill positive self-talk and nurture positive self-image, and we discuss ways to deprogram negative messaging, the importance of finding the success and opportunities in our failures, and how to live a lifestyle of self-confidence. Listen here.