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December 2, 2022

Sagittarius: A Guide to Living Your Best Life

Post By:
Patricia Alexis
In-House Contributor
The Daily Drip
Guest Contributor:

It’s your season, Sagittarius! You share your birth sign with stars like Taylor Swift, Zoe Kravitz, Brad Pitt, and Britney Spears.

2022 has been full of highs and lows, even for adventurous Sagittarians. With the new year looming on the horizon, you will have unique opportunities to end this one with a bang… if you can clear a few hurdles, that is. Will you make a crash landing before 2023 even begins, or hit the ground running?

Fortunately for you, we’ve curated a complete guide to thriving as your most authentic self in the months to come. Let’s take a look at what’s in store for you.

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Symbol: Archer

Dates: November 22 - December 21

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

Element: Fire

Lucky Numbers: 3, 6, 7, 8

Sagittarians, you are a mutable fire sign, making you flexible and feisty all at once. Unlike your fellow fire signs (Aries and Leo), you have a lid on your temper. Your tongue, though… that’s a different story. Quick-witted and sharp, you have a straightforward attitude that attracts the right people and wards off the rest. 

Symbolized by the archer, you have a built-in defense against negative energy. Your exuberant, optimistic nature lights up every room; when you choose to step into leadership, others can’t help but follow. You’re more likely to deviate from formal roles, however, and take far more interest in adventure and breaking the mold. Free-spirited, idealistic, and unapologetically passionate-- these traits define your Sagittarius aura.

While 2022 may have been a wild ride, you can position yourself to start 2023 strong. Take December to strategically lay the groundwork for the months ahead, and you can expect to reap rewards well after the New Year’s confetti has been swept away.

Sagittarius and Career:

Feeling bold, Sagittarius? That isn’t exactly new for you, but it’s time to take advantage of your risk-taking tendencies. You may be presented with an unusual opportunity at work; expect the unexpected. Lean into your fearless nature and face the challenge head-on. Your career will thrive as a result of your power moves this month. As the saying goes… no risk, no reward. Just make sure you’re speaking carefully around coworkers to avoid any misunderstandings.

Sagittarius and Money:

Now is the time to get your finances in order! It’s worth taking the time to budget for the holiday season, even this late in the game. Say it with us: practicality is your friend. On December 19th, Venus retrograde may lead to some delays in your financial arrangements. Forward-planning and flexibility will help mitigate any hiccups, allowing you to ring in the new year with a healthy bank account.

Sagittarius and Personal Relationships:

You can expect a positive domestic environment, especially around the cusp of the year’s end and beginning. Your positive glow will radiate among your family members, creating warmth throughout the holiday season and into January. You can speak life over your loved ones, but you can also be blunt at times. Be mindful of the way your words may land to sidestep the potential for hurt feelings.

Sagittarius and Love: 

The coming months may prove eventful for your love life, Sagittarius. While you’re typically carefree, it would be wise to navigate romance with an extra dose of caution.  Single Sagittarians have the potential to make a long-lasting love connection, so be especially discerning when it comes to anyone trying to sweep you off your feet. For attached and committed Sagittarians, focus on cultivating accountability and trust in your relationship. When you own your role in the relationship dynamic, both of you will grow in a healthy direction. 

Sagittarians, you are called to maintain a mindset of abundance. Be crystal-clear about your goals and resolutions; write them down. Make them real. Review them often. Your flame-fueled spirit is the foundation you need to create a beautiful life for yourself.