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September 18, 2024

Amplifying My Voice: A Proud Haitian American Woman's Stand Against Injustice

Post By:
Rachelle Sylvain-Spence
In-House Contributor
R-Motivation Co-founder: B.Her Collective | Afuri Aesthetics & Wellness
Guest Contributor:

As a proud Haitian American woman, I am compelled to write this piece, to amplify my voice, and share openly my deep offense for the constant demonization and degradation of the Haitian people.

The recent baseless allegations accusing Haitians of unspeakable acts in Springfield, Ohio, is just one offense currently making headlines, the latest example of how prejudice persists. Let me be clear- this baseless allegation was not merely an attack on individuals or even the Haitian people; it was an affront to the very essence of humanity. Such falsehoods represent a broader system of oppression aimed at those who are different. An attack on Haitians is an attack on all who dare to stand against the status quo.  The Haitian people’s history is a story of overcoming, resilience, and fortitude.

In 1804, Haiti dared to do what had never been done before: we became the first nation to free ourselves from the horrors of slavery and colonial rule. We declared our independence and set an example for the world that freedom, equality, and justice are not privileges but rights for all people, regardless of color or background. This bold act of rebellion against tyranny, however, came at a cost.

Since gaining our independence, Haiti has faced isolation, economic exploitation, and punishment for daring to defy the colonial powers of the time. From the forced reparations we paid to France (equivalent to $21-$30 billion today) to the systemic political and economic destabilization that we continue to endure, the world has sought to make us pay for our audacity. Even today, Haiti is often depicted as a country plagued by poverty, violence, and instability. Yet, this narrative deliberately ignores the strength and resilience of our people. We are constantly dehumanized, and yet we continue to rise.

Throughout history and into the present day, Haitians have faced not only unjust criticism but a relentless assassination of our character. Yet, we remain a people of strength, resilience, and undeniable fortitude. In the face of unrelenting attacks, whether they come from the media, political policies, or even cultural perceptions, we stand firm, rooted in the legacy of freedom fighters and trailblazers.

As I sit here processing these recent current events, I am compelled to make my voice heard and write this piece through tears. Because this fight is not just about Haiti- it is about what Haiti represents. An attack on Haitian people is an attack on all who are deemed different or unworthy by those in power. It is an assault on the marginalized, the oppressed, the voices that are silenced, whether through microaggressions, racial prejudice, or outright systemic discrimination.

I was recently honored by the Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce as the 2024 “Thought Leader of the Year,” and in my acceptance speech, I spoke of the responsibilities that accompany such a title. This recognition brings with it the obligation to stand up for what is right, to be a voice for change, to disrupt false narratives, and to call out injustice wherever it is found. It is not only about refusing to be silent in the face of adversity but refusing to be silent when speaking up comes at no risk. It’s about the importance of using our voice for what is right for the simple human decency of it.

It takes courage to be the only voice in the room, but I have chosen to embody that courage. I do not merely talk about change- I am actively participating in it. Here’s how I’m making an impact.

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As a member of the Board of Directors at Ayiti Community Trust (ACT), I have dedicated my efforts to the sustainable development of Haiti. ACT’s mission is clear: to empower our communities through civic education, environmental preservation, and entrepreneurship. It is through this work that we aim to provide Haitians with the tools they need not just to survive but to thrive. We focus on building self-sustaining systems that ensure the long-term prosperity of Haiti, not only for today but for future generations. This is my commitment, to foster the growth of a nation that has given so much to the world. You can learn more about our mission at

Let it be known that as I raise my voice, I do so with the values of compassion, integrity, humility, empathy, and peace at the core of my actions. These are not mere words; they are guiding principles that shape how I show up in the world. I believe that we cannot meet hate with hate, nor can we allow anger to blind us from our ultimate purpose. It is through compassion and understanding that we will create lasting change and build a world that truly respects the dignity of all people.

The urgency of our times calls for bold action. Here are three steps the Haitian community must continue to take to move forward:

  1. Educate and Advocate: We must educate others about our rich history and culture. The more people understand our journey, the more they will realize the strength and dignity that define us. Knowledge is the key to dismantling the harmful stereotypes that seek to dehumanize us.
  2. Amplify Voices: We must ensure that the voices of those who have been silenced are heard. Whether through community organizing, social media, or public platforms, we must provide space for the marginalized to tell their own stories, and we must listen.
  3. Build Bridges, Not Walls: It is essential to engage with those who do not understand our experience. By fostering dialogue and creating opportunities for genuine connection, we can break down barriers of ignorance and build a more inclusive and empathetic world.

Haitians are far more than the adversities we have faced. We are a people of strength, vision, and unwavering spirit. As I move forward, I will continue to use my platform to challenge injustice, to lift the unheard, and to stand in my truth. And I urge others to join me. For in these times, silence is complicity. Now is the time to lift our voices; not just for ourselves, but for the next generation and for the greater good of humanity.