Join Dr. Shivani Gupta for "Health Is Wealth" Workshop on Zoom Wednesday, Feb 22nd - 8pm EST.
If you're suffering with: brain fog, fatigue, lack of focus, overwhelm, feel Inflamed, or are suffering with an autoimmune condition.
Dr. Gupta will be covering:
⁃ What is Inflammation:
⁃ The Pre-inflamed Body of this Generation:
⁃ 10 signs of chronic inflammation in our bodies.
⁃ The Wheel of Inflammation: How inflammation affects each part of our body. Assess how you feel now and create your own wheel
⁃ What we can do to fight back against this internal fire.
⁃ Build your own plan for anti-inflammatory lifestyle changes. (food, sleep patterns, supplements, movement, and self-care using Ayurveda)