Romi Wallach
CoFounder | President of Community Engagement
The Daily Drip
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I cut my teeth in the world of Business Development at bright bold age of 13 as I watched my father befriend just about anyone, create opportunities for so many through his thoughtful matchmaking, and motivate and inspire people to be a part of anything he was focused on- business, philanthropy, hobby, etc.- through his magnetic spirit.

This has shaped my approach to Business Development and to life.

At its simplest core, Business Development is nothing more than the ability to identify opportunities- opportunities for growth, opportunities to help, opportunities to reciprocate, opportunities to serve. My reputation in the community as a "super-connector" and savvy strategist really just stems from these simplistic core values.

My professional journey has led me to the proud role of Co-Founder of The Daily Drip, where I spearhead our Community Engagement, Corporate Sponsorships, and Business Development strategy.

My community service is an integral part of my work and my life. I am a proud member of the Joe DiMaggio Planned Giving committee, a Board Member for Piper’s Angels Foundation, a 3 x Crossing Crusader and Mentor for the Crossing for Cystic Fibrosis, Mentor for the Crossing for CF, member of Women Know Y for the YMCA of South Florida, Club 211 Broward Lifetime Member, member of Junior Achievement's Circle of Wise Women, and Co-President for the South Florida International Business Development Professional (IBDP) Association Chapter.

I am the proud mother of two young adults, Jonah and Abby, and dedicated most of my adult life to raising them. Reentering the workforce at 40, I found myself starting my career while many of my peers were achieving their milestones. However, in a very short period of time, I was able to build my network, my influence, and my business by leaning into my core values of identifying opportunities and creating opportunities for others.